Overview of the Nomenclature
Overview of the Nomenclature
You can check out our complete nomenclature guide for more details.
Below is an overview of the Katana nomenclature.

- Back of the blade : Mune 棟
- Quenching line : Hamon 刃文
- Tip of the blade : Kissaki 切っ先)
- Curvature : Sori 反り
- Edge : Ha 刃
- Scabbard : Saya 鞘
- Entry : Koiguchi 鯉口
- Protection of the sleeve : Kojiri 小尻
- Handle : Tsuka 柄
- Stingray leather : Same 鮫皮
- Collar : Habaki 鎺
- Separation : Seppa 切羽